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Our hourly rate for IT consulting is $125.00. There is a 1-hour minimum purchase, non-refundable, which must be paid prior to scheduling an appointment. Any work performed hourly is billable work, including phone/ e-mail support or research and documentation for customer.
Our rates for infrastructure services/ cabling are project-based and will vary by the complexity of the project.
Any work performed between 10PM - 8AM or on US holidays will be treated as an urgent incident and will be billed at $250.00 per hour, with a 2-hour minimum charge before any work is performed.
For on-site jobs, there is a 2-hour minimum purchase, non-refundable, which must be paid prior to scheduling an appointment.
While we will estimate the level of effort required to implement a solution or fix an issue, it is up to you to let us know if there is a cap on the number of hours we spend per engagement.
There is no charge for estimates, and they can be given up front, if a clearly defined scope of works is provided. If we need to gather more information, we will respond back within 24 hours with an estimated cost for your solution. For an exact cost, we will need to prepare a quote.
There is no charge for simple quotes.For example,network switch 1 x $250.
For detailed quotes, we will bill you with our regular consulting hourly rate for the time and effort invested into the solution we provide. If you decide to hire us, this charge will be deducted from your final bill.
For cabling and complex jobs/ project related quotes, a minimum 2-hour appointment at your facility might be needed for gathering more job specific information.
For invoices less than $500, until a business relationship will be established, a payment in full will be expected before any work is performed.
For invoices greater than $500, we will accept up to 2 payments with at least 50% paid before any work is performed.
The payments are non-refundable for the amount of time and effort already spent or equipment already opened/ configured.
All the bills/ invoices will be due upon receipt.
Payment methods and fees: cash, check (existing customers only), ACH bank transfer, and credit card (+ 3.5% processing fee)
Due to the nature of work we perform, there is no warranty on hourly work.
Although we are mainly focused on providing solutions/ services, it is the customer option if we will provide the necessary equipment for the job. We will assist with the warranty or return process within the manufacturer/ vendor's term and conditions only for the equipment provided by us. If you decide to purchase your own equipment, you will be fully responsible for these operations.
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